We have potatos

Three months ago we had some potatos that had got lost at the back of the cupboard. They had sprouted but instead of putting them in the compost we decided to plant them. The effort to dig up the rows was more than we had planned as we discovered our soil is full of roots and rocks and very hard. We didn’t think we would see anything from them given the soil conditions yet a couple of weeks later we looked out into the yard and discovered baby potato plants.

After doing research on how potatos grow, I discovered that they would grow, flower and then die. I actually really liked this cycle because it meant that a dying plant was actually a good thing and that the plants wouldn’t be in that location for a very long time. A little while back I noticed that they had purple flowers and recently noticed that they were nearly all dead. We scored 26 potatos from planting about 10. 4 are babies, 3 are green or partially green as they grew above the soil and the rest are ready to be made into something yummy.

Our bok choy has seeded and the seeds look ready to harvest in the next few weeks. Our garlic, shallots, silverbeat are all still going strong. All these were planted from offcuts from the kitchen and are sitting in pots. My parents in law gave me a wonderful 1mx1m planter box, which I have now set up with cabbage and some more potatos – this time only eyes that I cut off. Our plant it and see what happens process seems to be paying off!

I was planning to take more photos of all the plants, but I had forgotten to charge the camera battery and the spare (oops).

Author: Carly (Admin)

Geek, Sewer, Baker and soon to be mum. I enjoy learning and creating and are constantly filling my life with new challenges.