A few private posts

Currently I’m working on a few little outfits to go to germany, however I have refrained from posting them as I don’t want to ruin the suprise. The problem with this is I love recording what I have done and learned on the blog as it is great to see what I was doing/thinking/learning etc.

Therefore I will be passwording a few posts so that they stay as a record but will keep everything secret. If you are curious and not german than ask me for the password 😀

Pretty Pinafores

I just finished my first reversable pinafore and while I was planning on keeping it secret till it was delivered… however it was too cute not to share.
pinafore_rev1 pinafore_rev2
I love the denim/red dot combination. I took a pattern from a simple pinafore pattern, shrunk it to a 3-6 month size and worked out how to make it reversable. This cute outfit is one of a few I’m putting together to go to a adorable little baby girl in germany. It has taken me a bit of time to get everything together but I’m planning on getting it all done by the webdu conference in May as another friend has offered to take it over.

When I pulled out the pattern, I found the cut out of the below. My second and third outfit were two little pinafores of the same material for my two nieces. While I never found out what happened to them, a friend in NZ thought the outfit was adorable so I scraped enough material to cut out another size 3 outfit for his little girl.
The plan was to sew it when I got my ruffle foot but that got delayed and then it got put away and well… it is now finally done. pinkpinafore

I need to finish some jeans to go with it, a pacman dress and send it all over to NZ before it is too small!

The bestest easter present ever

Andrew and I went to Mum’s for lunch. After lunch I asked if we could go through mum’s fabric stash. Often mum mentions that she has things that I’ve just gone and bought, so if I knew what was there then it would make sharing easier…

Well mum just started giving me things she doesn’t have a use for… and a full (I mean packed) pillow case later… this is what I scored…


white, blue and black terry towling. White and black panne velvet.


Top (left to right): Denim, brocade, lady bug greet cotton with tiny white dots (will make a really cute dress), cream linen (have secret plan for this), Green striped cotton/silk combo (going to make a great shirt when I’m brave enough), HEAPS of grey denim medium weight.
Bottom (left to right): Cotton (going to make a lovely shirt for sammy), blue brocade, white brocade,  medium striped denim (only enough for sammy sized pants), white hybiscus on green (might make a shirt for me otherwise would make a lovely girls dress)


Red/black shimmer can’t remember name of material. We bought this to make liz’s bridesmaid dress because it was lovely and at a really good price. Unfortunately it really didn’t go with Liz, however it suits me perfectly so I’ll find something lovely. The black/red shimmery material that is top right-> bottom right is material I fell in love just after high school and mum was going to make a lovely dress. However she eventually refused. The material has a one way shimmer that you have to be in the right light to match. One day I might be brave enough to make something with it.

Bottom: The far left is a black satin with embroided leaves (mind blank on formal name). It is gorgeous but not a lot of it.
Then there are two pink sattins and a lovely pink suiting poly that will make me a lovely lovely shirt (again when I’m brave enough)

And then an update on my stash with everything all nicely put away:


I better get sewing! There will be very few updates as I’m working on some secret squirrel stuff till it is delivered and also on my webdu conference presentation.