A very exciting new toy


Even before getting hooked on sewing I had an attraction to the embroidery machines. Designing my own little characters and decorating endless sets of clothes has been a dream for a while, but honestly there was no real justification for me to have a machine. Then my opportunity came with some birthday money and extra work. For many months I took turns with my workmates carrying around an annoying support phone that just knew the most innapropriate time to call. It feels really good to have a fantastic reward!

After getting a great deal at craft show it was finally time for this little wonderful machine to come to my home. I picked it up today!!!


I have HEAPS and HEAPS to learn but are over the moon!!!

My sewing stuff has a home

I’m really really excited that my sewing stuff now has a home and that after 2 years we have finally worked out how to set up the lounge/dining room and actually taken action to get it done.

We swapped our current dining room and lounge room. They are one long room but have a archway between. This makes the bigger room a flexible room for eating and crafting and playing.

We added a 2m*2.6m wardrobe! Most of my sewing stuff goes in the right of it, with a home for the ironing board and vacuum in the middle. They finally have a home instead of just floating around the house.

The left side has the rest of my sewing stuff (yes I have a lot!) and will contain other things like craft, board games and christmas stuff.

Because I think the cottons and satins are pretty, I’ve put them in the display cabinet.

The new dining area, with extra chairs and table, can now take 12 people! Now I just need a kitchen big enough to cook for all of them.

Grady’s First Nappy

The first time I saw this print, I fell in love with it. This little nappy is the first of hopefully many cloth nappies for Grady. Enjoy little one!


Oh and it feels really good to be sewing again! Things got a little stressful before the webdu conference and I just couldn’t focus properly, which meant I spent more time with the quick unpick then the sewing machine. Now that I’ve had a little break, I’m really excited to get back into sewing and final bring together the pieces promised for Grady, Lisa, Sammy, Grace and Andrew.

Fabric stash

My name is Carly and I have an addiction….


Having fabric in plastic boxes just wasn’t working for me. The fabric I wanted was always at the bottom of the box! So when I saw that a lot of others on a sewing forum on used bookcases to store their fabric…  I turned our spare room bookcase into the above.

My first thought as I stood back admiring my stash was that there is plenty of space for more fabric!

It seems like this setup will only be temporary as my wondeful supportive Andrew suggested we get a bigger storage solution to put in the dining/lounge room. Ikea here we come!