Farewell Tosh

My parent’s in law puli passed away today.
He was a loving, loyal and gentle family member and will be sorely missed.

Dear Tosh,
You came into our family as a cautious, scared 4 year old after having a rough life, yet that didn’t stop your ability to love and trust us. We saw you grow from a timid teenager to a calm distinguished old gentleman. Everytime we came to visit, you were the first to welcome us. We will miss having your nose nudge our hand for a scratch, your snuggles when lying down, your watchfullness over all family members, your help in the kitchen, your refereeing of anyone fighting and even your singing.

We will miss having you around as we continue on our journey, however we understand that we were blessed to have you in our lives for so long.

Love you Toshie and you will live on in our memories,

Christmas baking and sewing

I’ve done a bit of sewing and baking over the Christmas period.

These are the shortbread and fudge I made for pressies.

I also made a choc mint checkerboard cake and a white chocolate and raspberry checkerboard cake.

My SIL plays the bass clarinet and there was no ‘instrument’ hero shirts available so I thought I would make a patch to put on anything wanted. This little present took a lot of hours of work and tears and I still wasn’t fully happy with any version. We went through many disasters such as running out of thread, losing location, patterns corrupting to name a few. This one is actually the first one I did. Andrew did the artwork for it.

I also made a pair of thomas boxer shorts for my niece and some towels and hankies for my parent’s in law and again forgot pics in the rush.

Work Christmas party

On Friday was my work’s Christmas party. During the day we had white elephant (everyone puts in a present, randomly choose or swap etc). My contribution was this cushion.

This is our Director’s face. Long story short it is the effect of when you have an office of people with photoshop skills and send an image around of you photoshopped into an image.

We then headed for drinks and teppanyaki

And for something completely random, this is the bug that visited Brian and I in the office the other day.

GoochieGoo launched

My formal trademark certificate arrived on Friday.

I wanted to put a label on the clothing I created for Samuel and other friends and GoochieGoo just seemed perfect to me. I wanted to put it on the clothing as a label but was worried that someone would see the name, like the name and use it formally stopping me using it. So after much debating, I decided to trademark the name. I’m looking forward to a whole range of new creations with the cute prominent label.

It might seem crazy to go through the process and money when not actually running a business, but I think it is worth it to provide the last finishing touch to an outfit that I spend a lot of time designing and creating. For those who are looking to create a trademark for the first time I highly recommend the Headstart program, they were great at answering my questions and really efficient.

And because i’m a geek, I started to set up a website for goochiegoo last night.