New sewing toys

Mum and I went shopping today to get my Birthday/Christmas presents and I got some sewing machine accessories to fuel my addictive hobby.

The first one is an even feed foot (walking foot). I will be using it for working with PUL and also when going over large seams (like the 6 layers of denim I have been working with recently). It is also good for knit and stretchy fabrics.

The second box contains a dual needle. I never knew these existed for my sewing machine and had thought you had to have a more advanced one or overlocker. I have been doing all my topstitching twice to get the double effect.

The third one is an overcast foot to make overlocking more precise and make the tension even. This is my present from Angie (my MIL)

The fourth one is a Ditch Quilting foot. It is to keep straight when topstitching across a folded seam.

I also have a ruffle foot on order, you guessed it, it makes ruffles.

There is one other kit that I really want. It is for blind hems, rolled hems and bias tape. I’m sure between other Christmas and Birthday presents, I’ll be able to score it 😀

Author: Carly (Admin)

Geek, Sewer, Baker and soon to be mum. I enjoy learning and creating and are constantly filling my life with new challenges.