More nappies

In October when I went on a nappy making spree I cut out a few extra nappies but never got around to making them up. I also made up a new design back then but haven’t sewn until now.

First off the old design….

spiderback spiderfront spiderinner

This was the second applique that I did. I was still learning the ropes a bit (well still are). I free sewed the white spiderweb. I think I got the side elastic and gusset elastic in the right spots for this one.

And the denim one…

denimback denimfront deniminner

I placed the pockets too high but oh well :) You can see the new design is square at the front.  This allows less snaps on the wings and while sammy doesn’t get wing droop, I’m trying to get the nappy a little more flexible for a few 2009 babies who won’t be as big. I only had two snaps but Andrew suggested a third to make it really stable. I liked the third so will keep it.

I still have a few nappies of the old pattern to sew up but you should see more of the newer style (with a few more adjustments) in the future.

Author: Carly (Admin)

Geek, Sewer, Baker and soon to be mum. I enjoy learning and creating and are constantly filling my life with new challenges.