Lego Star wars 2

After many months waiting for it to hit the shelves I got my copy of Lego Star wars 2. I was introduced to Lego star wars 1 by a friend at work who had bought it for his little sister. At first I thought it would be a fun kids game to play for a bit. It was suprisingly a lot of fun. Especially the fact that you play in co-op mode (2 people using the same keyboard) if you want to play with 2 people. Its a nice change to be sitting next to andrew squished together while we do battle instead of on opposite sides of the room.

Lego star wars is as much fun or even more fun then lego star wars 1. We played for 3 hours straight :) Some of the new features I like is that you actually construct things like bridges and even walkers. You can also ride around in some of the constructions and on various animals. I’m too tired to go through with all the fun features so you will just have to take my word for it and play it.

I also scored a free lego star wars keyring since I preorded it 😀

Author: Carly (Admin)

Geek, Sewer, Baker and soon to be mum. I enjoy learning and creating and are constantly filling my life with new challenges.