Hydra filters

I’ve been mucking about with others’ Hydra examples since I saw the movies of it at max. Basically its a language based on C designed to perform image processing tasks. Eventually Hydra will be implemented into after effects, photoshop and a subset of the specs into the flash player.

Here are the results of my experiments:



The following code takes two images, gets the grayscale of the mask and then the alpha of the base image to the grayscale.

kernel mask{void evaluatePixel(in image4 src,in image4 mask, out pixel4 dst)


float4 maskImage = sampleNearest(mask, outCoord());

float4 outputImage = sampleNearest(src, outCoord());

float grayscale = (maskImage.r + maskImage.g + maskImage.b) / 3.0;

outputImage.a = grayscale;

dst = outputImage;



The following two input images (the hello as the mask)
Hello Mask



Mask output

Grey is the default background colour so the image is transparent over that.



I also created a wiggle filter

kernel morph

{parameter float xangle<

    minValue: 0.0;




parameter float yangle<

    minValue: 0.0;




void evaluatePixel(in image4 src, out pixel4 dst)


        float2 coord = outCoord();

        float xcoord = coord.x - sin(coord.y)*xangle;

        float ycoord = coord.y - sin(coord.x)*yangle;

        dst = sampleNearest(src,float2(xcoord,ycoord));



This filter takes inputs of the wiggle size of the x and y and produces the following examples:

Wiggle both ways

Wiggle on both the x and the y

wiggle x

a wiggle just on the x

And an flip filter. In the documentation there is a referenceFrame parameter to get the bounds of the input image. However after experimenting with it I couldn’t get it to work. I posted on the adobe forums and found out that it has not been implemented yet, so having a parameter with the width will have to do for now.

kernel flip

   parameter float width< minValue: 100.0;
        maxValue: 200.0;
        description: "Width of image";

    void  evaluatePixel(in image4 src, out pixel4 dst)
        float2 coord = outCoord();
        float2 newcoord = float2(width-coord.x,coord.y);
        dst = sampleNearest(src,newcoord);


About Carly (Admin)

I'm a multimedia developer based in Brisbane. I work for an elearning firm and code my own projects in the wee small hours between eating, sleeping and working.
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