Blitzers Intro

I have been working a flash piece for the blitzers home page.

I still has a bit of work that needs to be done but check it out

I will finish it soon(tm)

dev details:
It is made in FlashMX2004 but published for flash 6. The images are seperated into seperate movie clips that are added when moving across. Eventually I will make it so that they are removed when no longer on screen. The slow/med/fast cpu values control how the particle systems display. If it is slow then they will not display, if it is medium they will display a bitmap representation of the particle, if it is fast then they will display a vector prettier illustration of the particle. This is because the current flash player redraws all vector points of an illustration when the movie clip moves and that makes things very slow very quickly. There is nothing really complex about it at all, just a lot of time taking screenshots and lining them all up.

About Carly (Admin)

I'm a multimedia developer based in Brisbane. I work for an elearning firm and code my own projects in the wee small hours between eating, sleeping and working.
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